21 July 2008

Sesame Street Place show for military

Hi all!

I wanted to tell you about a great perk of the military. Sesame Street Tour shows are coming to different cities especially for the military!

If you live in the Utah area, the Sesame Street show will be on August 1st. There are 2 shows. One show at 4pm and a show at 7pm. You can pick up your free tickets from the FRG(Family readiness group) at Hill Air Force Base. The shows help children deal with deployment and other military related issues.
Also, here is a link for Talk, Listen, Connect. This is a program that Sesame street has provided to help kids with deployments. After going to this site, I signed up and received a free video with Elmo on deployment.
Take care! Leah Gardner

09 June 2008

United Through Reading


With my husband's help, the organization that is doing the recordings is called:

United Through Reading

A non-profit,501(c)(3) public benefit organization, that was founded in 1989.

The Military Program

Here are some links to get you started



Book Recommendations
...military families, booklists by occasion
...military families, booklists by ages

Challenges and Solutions

The people at Speicher recommend that we get the books sent directly to our soldiers and then they can take the books to the MWR to do the recordings. I don't know what the MWR is, but it's the term my husband used.

Our soldiers can request books via the site I linked to in the previous post, using the booklist links above for ideas, and get books sent to them.

I'm going to work on getting donations, if possible. I don't know how reliable the Books for Soldiers is yet. I'll keep you all informed. It would be kind of nice to have wish lists from everyone that is interested.

02 June 2008

Books For Soldiers

Has anyone else heard of this yet?

Books For Soldiers

It's a website where our soldiers can register and then request books and all of us at home can register and send donations.

I've only just discovered them today, I looked a bit through the forum, the FAQ and Help pages and it sounds pretty good to me.

If your soldier is a reader and needs reading material, this sounds like it is a good place to start getting some books.


The REASON I was looking and found the site in the first place:

I was looking for the organization that helps soldiers record themselves reading children's books that they can send home to their kids.

~Read Aloud Recordings~

How cool is this! I know my daughter will be THRILLED to hear her dad reading to her. It was a nightly ritual before he left and now it's wonderful that it's still possible to continue.

They get to send home the CD recording and the book.

My Question:

Has anyone heard of who it is that's doing the recordings? Being a librarian, I am VERY interested in getting involved. Particularly since the Read Aloud lists have been a pet project of mine since I became a librarian over 13 years ago.

I would very willingly head up a donation organization for this. I just have to make sure I'm not doing something someone else is already doing.

p.s. I have read aloud lists available for anyone who wants them. I can email them in Wordperfect or Microsoft Word or I also have them online (but not very pretty looking) on my Laptime and Storytime ( )webpage, just scroll down, bottom of the right-hand column, click on the links.

23 April 2008

The Algee's

21 April 2008

The Algee Family

The Algees
SFC John algee has been married for 23 years we have two boys trever 21 Jack 14
he has served in the army for 28 years he has been very proud to serve his country
we will miss him very much. but we are very proud of him and all the guys come home
safe to all of us

19 April 2008

4 day pass

We hope everyone had a great 4 day pass visit with your loved ones! Our family met in New York and had a great time with family, yummy food, and visiting Niagara Falls! It was definitely hard to say good bye to Daddy, but it was so great to see him. :)

Here is the Gardner Family at Niagara Falls. Mommy Gardner is 3 months pregnant and due in November! Surprise!!!

SSG Daddy Gardner and his twin

15 March 2008

"GHOST RIDERS" Social Network.

11 March 2008

The Whites

Hello from the White Family

Here is a picture of our kids

Justin Alexis Jason

I will post a family picture asap, I promise ;)
...okay here it is, finally! Photobucket has been having issues, so it's taken me a few days ;)

Both of our boys are married and have beautiful wives. We don't have any grandchildren yet.

Our oldest, Jason, is a pilot for Mesaba Airlines. He & his wife Thai will be moving in for the year while Brian is gone - got to have someone around to do the 'man' work!

We've just sent off our youngest boy, Justin, with the Utah National Guard. They are currently in Oklahoma preparing for a tour in Kuwait. Amber, his wife, is holding down the fort here in Utah, working and working and working - anything to keep busy while he is gone.

A week after Justin left with the Guard, Brian headed off with the 191st.

And last, but not least, Alexis is our little girl, full of spunk, energy and fun. She is currently enjoying having all my attention. But soon, I'm waiting for it, she will realize how long a year really is and be missing her daddy.

09 March 2008

Introducing the Gardner Family

Hello everyone! I figured since we have all never met in person, I would introduce our family to you by the web. I'd really love to see who everyone is! My name is Leah and my husband is deployed. I have been trying to get the blog going so we can keep up the best communication during this deployment. If you have any pictures or ideas for this blog, please feel free to e-mail me!

Here is our family -
We are stationed out of Utah. Where is everybody else stationed?

:) Leah -

A little fun in the rain

As many people have heard the saying before, we took it to heart.


It had been raining for two days straight by this point and we were getting winds that made to rain seem to come from every direction. We ended up having a lot of fun with the training, by doing last man up runs on the latter part of the training. All in all we grew as a team this day and is something that none of us will forget anytime soon.

Here are some more photos that MAJ Tryon took.

06 March 2008

Hale from Fort Dix

Hello, friends and family members of the 191st CSSB. We are enjoying our training out here in beauftiful Fort Dix, NJ. We hope that everyone is doing well. This photo was taken a few days ago. If anyone wants the original picture, please post a comment and we will try and send it out.

Love and miss everyone back home.

04 March 2008

Looking Good!

14 February 2008

Happy Valentines Day

On behalf of the 191st CSSB leadership I welcome all of you to this site. It is intended to be a means wherein our families and soldiers can communicate. We are very fortunate to be living at a time with such technology. This is my very first time using such information. I encourage each of you to have your family members test and try this web site. I look forward to getting to know each of you better in the upcoming months. Be sure and take the time to let your family members know how much they mean to you on this Valentines day. Take care and God Bless, MAJ Tryon

07 February 2008

Welcome to the Det 1, 191st CCSB Web Site

A fun way to start off the website.......